29 August 2008

Question of the day - instructions - mode d'emploi...

If you want to answer the Question of the day, or see other people's answers, just click on "comments" below the message.

Si tu veux répondre à la Question du Jour, ou voir les réponses des autres, il suffit de cliquer sue "comments" en dessous du message.

Si quieres contestar a la Pregunta del día, o ver las contestaciones de los otros, haz clic sobre "comments" debajo del mensaje.

Question of the day - 28 August 2008

What was the name of Ankara prior to 1930?

Quel était le nom d’Ankara avant 1930?

25 August 2008

Question of the day - 25 August 2008

What instrument is used to measure the humidity of air?

Quel appareil est utilisé pour mesurer l'humidité de l'air?

21 August 2008

Question of the day - 21 August 2008

Which great philosopher was a pupil of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle?

Quel grand philosophe était un élève de Socrate et maître d'Aristote?

Estoy de vuelta!

I'm on my way back! Yes, the holidays in Spain are coming to their inevitable end, alas.

My trip to San Sebastian, Bilbao, Madrid, Puente del Congosto, Zaragoza and Pamplona, mostly by train, has been really interesting. Tomorrow I'm off to Irún, then Hendaye for the TGV back to Paris. Of course, I've tons of inspiration for new Quiz questions. Or maybe you've had enough on Spain over the past few weeks?

Thank you to Aidan who ran the show in my absence. I'll be back at the Quiz - live and in person! - next week.

Hasta luego,

Mr Quiz

18 August 2008

Question of the day - 18 August 2008

What colour is lapis lazuli?

De quelle couleur le lapis lazuli est-il?

11 August 2008

Question of the day - 11 August 2008

Who was the female pope who reigned, according to legend, in the 9th century?

Qui est la papesse qui aurait régné, d'après la légende, au 9e siècle?

09 August 2008

Question of the day - 9 August 2008

What is the Pink Panther in the film of that name?

Qu'est-ce que la Panthère rose dans le film?

07 August 2008

Question of the day - 7 August 2008

Who hosts the tea-party in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

Qui invite les gens à prendre le thé dans Alice au pays des merveilles?

Pub Quiz photos - 30 July 2008

These are a few shots of the Quiz at The Green Linnet, Paris, 30 July 2008.

Heads down!

06 August 2008

Question of the day - 6 August 2008

Whose death is depicted by Jacques Louis David in his 1793 painting?

La mort de qui est représentée dans le tableau de Jacques Louis David de 1793?

05 August 2008

Question of the day - 5 August 2008

What is the meaning of the textile care symbol consisting of a crossed out circle?

Quelle est la signification du symbole d'entretien des textiles qui consiste en un cercle barré?

04 August 2008

Question of the day - 4 August 2008

What is the name of the effect that makes the sound of an ambulance siren change as it passes by?

Quel est le nom de l'effet qui fait que le son de la sirène d'une ambulance change en passant?

03 August 2008

Question of the day - 3 August 2008

In which country was the jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt born?

Dans quel pays le guitariste jazz Django Reinhardt est-il né?

Change in format for Question of the Day

The Question of the Day will continue, but from now on the answers will not be given until the end of the week.

Les réponses aux questions seront dorénavant affichées à la fin de la semaine.

02 August 2008

Question of the day - 2 August 2008

Who designed the Sagrada Família basilica in Barcelona?

Qui conçut la basilique la Sagrada Família de Barcelone?

01 August 2008

Question of the day - 1 August 2008

Who wrote the music for the Star Wars series of films?

Qui a composé la musique pour la série de films
La Guerre des Étoiles?