28 December 2010

No Quiz 29 December

The next Quiz in the Green Linnet is on 5 January 2011.

Le prochain Quiz au Green Linnet aura lieu le 5 janvier 2011.

24 December 2010

Question of the Day - 24 December 2010

How do you say “Silent Night” in German?
Comment dire « Douce Nuit » en allemand ?

22 December 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 22 December 2010)

Ho, ho, ho!

Question of the Day - 22 December 2010

A grand astronomical conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and the Regulus (α Leonis) took place in June, 2 BCE; how is this event recorded in western tradition?

Une grande conjonction astronomique de Vénus, Jupiter et Regulus eut lieu en juin, 2 Av-JC ; comment cet événement est-il marqué dans la tradition occidentale ?

21 December 2010

Question of the Day - 21 December 2010

What is built on the supposed site of the birth of Christ in Bethlehem:
a church, a synagogue or a mosque?

Quel édifice est bâti sur le lieu supposé de la naissance du Christ à Bethlehem :
une église, une synagogue, une mosquée ?

20 December 2010

Question of the Day - 20 December 2010

Who told Mary she was pregnant?

Qui annonça à Marie qu’elle était enceinte ?

10 December 2010

Question of the Day - 10 December 2010

What is the main ingredient of tzatziki?

Quel est l'ingrédient principal du tzatziki?

09 December 2010

Question of the Day - 9 December 2010

What is the capital of Mauritania?

Quelle est la capitale de la Mauritanie?

08 December 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 8 December 2010)

Don't eat it if it's yellow!

Question of the Day - 8 December 2010

What is the common name for ascorbic acid?

Quel est le nom commun pour l'acide ascorbique?

07 December 2010

Question of the Day - 7 December 2010

Which is the largest denomination of Islam?

Quel est le plus grand courant de l'Islam?

06 December 2010

Question of the Day - 6 December 2010

In computer jargon, what does PDF stand for?

En informatique, que signifie PDF?

03 December 2010

Question of the Day - 3 December 2010

Which credit card company's slogan is "don't leave home without it"?

Quelle compagnie de cartes de crédit utilise le slogan "ne sortez pas sans elle"?

02 December 2010

Question of the Day - 2 December 2010

What part of the body is affected by conjunctivitis?

Quelle partie du corps est touchée par la conjonctivite?

01 December 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 1 December 2010)


Question of the Day - 1 December 2010

What is the Russian word, beginning with B, for grandmother or old lady?

Quel mot russe, commençant par la lettre B, signifie grand-mère ou vieille dame?

30 November 2010

Question of the Day - 30 November 2010

Who plays the part of Cruela de Vil in the 1996 film 101 Dalmatians?

Qui joue le rôle de Cruela de Vil dans le film de 1996 101 Dalmatiens?

29 November 2010

Question of the Day - 29 November 2010

According to legend, how did Cleopatra die?

Selon la légende, comment Cléopâtre mourut-elle?

26 November 2010

Question of the Day - 26 November 2010

Two painters paint a wall in 8 hours; one is lazy and one is energetic; the energetic one would take 12 hours paint the wall on his own; how long would the lazy painter take on his own?

Deux peintres peignent un mur en 8 heures; il y a un paresseux et un énergique; l'énergique pourrait peindre le mur en 12h seul; combien de temps faudrait-il pour le paresseux seul?

25 November 2010

Question of the Day - 25 November 2010

What colour is sugar beet?

De quelle couleur la betterave sucrière est-elle?

24 November 2010

Question of the Day - 24 November 2010

In which city is Beethoven buried?

Dans quelle ville Beethoven est-il enterré?

23 November 2010

Question of the Day - 23 November 2010

True or false: adding salt to water raises its boiling point?

Info ou intox: l'adjonction de sel à l'eau fait monter son point d'ébullition?

22 November 2010

Question of the Day - 22 November 2010

What is the name of the transparent layer that covers the front part of the eye?

Quel est le nom de la couche transparente qui couvre la partie antérieure de l'oeil?

18 November 2010

Question of the Day - 18 November 2010

Who directed the film Z in 1969?

Qui réalisa le film Z en 1969?

17 November 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 17 November 2010)

Makes the world go round.

Question of the Day - 17 November 2010

The US athlete Jim Hines was the first to break which sporting barrier?

L'athlète ÉU Jim Haines fut le premier à franchir quelle barrière sportive?

16 November 2010

Question of the Day - 16 November 2010

Which American male singer's first hit was Piano Man in 1973?

Quel chanteur américain fait son premier tube avec Piano Man en 1973?

15 November 2010

Question of the Day - 15 November 2010

What type of animal is a malamute?

Quel type d'animal le malamute est-il?

13 November 2010

Question of the Day - 13 November 2010

What beverage was invented by John S. Pemberton in 1886?

Quel breuvage fut inventé par John S. Pemberton en 1886?

12 November 2010

Question of the Day - 12 November 2010

Which European football club's name contains the letter A five times and no other vowels (former UEFA champions)?

Le nom de quel club de football européen contient cinq fois la lettre A et aucune autre voyelle (ancien champion UEFA)?

11 November 2010

Question of the Day - 11 November 2010

Who composed the musical work Carmina Burana?

Qui composa l'oeuvre musicale Carmina Burana?

10 November 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 10 November 2010)

One Canadian, one French, four Swedes and several Brits.

Question of the Day - 10 November 2010

Which two countries are linked by the Simplon Pass?

Quels deux pays sont reliés par le Col du Simplon?

09 November 2010

Question of the Day - 9 November 2010

Which of the following is not an allotrope of carbon:
diamond, jet, graphite, fullerene?

Lequel n'est pas une allotropie du carbone:
le diamant, le jais, le graphite, le fullerène?

08 November 2010

Question of the Day - 8 November 2010

What is the stage name of the US singer Brian Warner?

Quel est le nom de scène du chanteur étasunien Brian Warner?

05 November 2010

Question of the Day - 5 November 2010

What was the stage name of the singer Eleanora Fagan?

Quel fut le nom de scène de la chanteuse Eleanora Fagan?

04 November 2010

Question of the Day - 4 November 2010

What term describes trees that lose their foliage for part of the year?

Quel terme décrit les arbres qui perdent leur feuillage pour une partie de l'année?

03 November 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 3 November 2010)

One businessman/-woman, two actors/actresses, three singers.

Question of the Day - 3 November 2010

Who wrote the novel The World According to Garp?

Qui écrivit le roman Le monde selon Garp?

02 November 2010

Question of the Day - 2 November 2010

In which city are the headquarters of Unesco?

Dans quelle ville se trouve le siège de l'Unesco?

01 November 2010

Question of the Day - 1 November 2010

True or false: A chemical change takes place when ice melts?

Info ou intox: une modification chimique a lieu lorsque la glace fond?

29 October 2010

Question of the Day - 29 October

Which gymnast obtained the first ever perfect 10 score in the 1976 Olympics?

Quelle gymnaste obtint la toute première note parfaite de 10 au JO de 1976?

28 October 2010

Question of the Day - 28 October

Who composed the operetta The Merry Widow?

Qui composa l'opérette La veuve joyeuse?

27 October 2010

26 October 2010

Question of the Day - 26 October

What is the capital of the German state Nordrhein-Westfalen (North Rhine-Westphalia)?

Quelle est la capitale de l'état allemand Nordrhein-Westfalen (Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie)?

15 October 2010

Question of the Day - 15 October

In which country did the dish waterzooi originate?

De quel pays le plat waterzooi est-il originaire?

14 October 2010

Question of the Day - 14 October

What is the symbol for the chemical element phosphorous?

Quel est le symbole pour l'élément chimique phosphore?

13 October 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 13 October 2010)


Question of the Day - 13 October

Who was assassinated by Ramón Mercader in Mexico City in 1940?

Qui fut assassiné par Ramón Mercader à Mexico en 1940?

12 October 2010

Question of the Day - 12 October

Father and mother were 30 and 25 when their son was born; their daughter is 5 years older than their son; the average age of the family now is 40; how old is the son?

Père et mère avaient 30 et 25 quand leur fils est né; leur fille a 5 ans de plus que leur fils; l'âge moyen de la famille est aujourd'hui 40; quel est l'âge du fils?

11 October 2010

Question of the Day - 11 October

What is the "strange fruit" referred to in the song of that name sung by Billie Holiday?

Qu'est-ce que le "strange fruit" (fruit étrange) évoqué dans la chanson de ce titre chantée par Billie Holiday?

05 October 2010

Question of the Day - 5 October

Whose death is depicted in a 1793 painting by Jacques Louis David?

La mort de qui est représentée dans un tableau de Jacques Louis David de 1793?

04 October 2010

Question of the Day - 4 October (repeat of 1 Oct)

A street lamp is 5m tall; a woman 1.6m tall is standing 4m from the lamp; how long is her shadow?

Un lampadaire a 5m de haut; une femme de 1,6m se trouve à 4m du lampadaire; quel est longueur de son ombre?

01 October 2010

Question of the Day - 1 October

A street lamp is 5m tall; a woman 1.6m tall is standing 4m from the lamp; how long is her shadow?

Un lampadaire a 5m de haut; une femme de 1,6m se trouve à 4m du lampadaire; quel est longueur de son ombre?

30 September 2010

Question of the Day - 30 September

In Buddhism, what term describes the highest degree of perfection or holiness?

En Bouddhisme, quel terme décrit le plus haut degré de perfection ou de sainteté?

29 September 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 29 September 2010)


Question of the Day - 29 September

What is the name of the police inspector in The Pink Panther and which actor plays the role?

Quel est le nom de l'inspecteur de police dans La Panthère rose, et quel acteur l'interprète?

28 September 2010

Question of the Day - 28 September

In which country was the sport of curling invented?

Dans quel pays le sport de curling fut-il inventé?

27 September 2010

Question of the Day - 27 September

What is the common name for hydrated iron oxide?

Quel est le nom commun pour oxyde ferrique hydraté?

17 September 2010

Question of the Day - 17 September 2010

In a barn there are hens, dogs and spiders; there are twice as many hens as dogs and there are twice as many spiders as hens; altogether there are 680 legs; how many dogs are there?

Dans une grange il y a des poules, des chiens et de araignées; il y a deux fois plus de poules que de chiens et deux fois plus d'araignées que de poules; en total il y a 680 pattes; combien de chiens y a-t-il?

16 September 2010

Question of the Day - 16 September 2010

What was Serge Gainsbourg's real first name?

Quel est le vrai prénom de Serge Gainsbourg?

15 September 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 15 September 2010)

Fast food.

Question of the Day - 15 September 2010

Which countries have an Atlantic coast and a Mediterranean coast?

Quels pays ont une côte atlantique et une côte méditerranéene?

14 September 2010

Question of the Day - 14 September 2010

Is ammonia an acid or a base?

L'ammoniac, est-il un acide ou une base?

13 September 2010

Question of the Day - 13 September 2010

What are the Olympic hurdling events?

Quelles sont les épreuves olympiques de haies?

27 August 2010

Question of the Day - 27 August 2010

Which contains more vitamin C: cabbage or apple?

Lequel contient plus de vitamine C: le chou, la pomme?

26 August 2010

Question of the Day - 26 August 2010

What term describes an organ that can be used to grasp objects?

Quel terme décrit une organe qui est capable de saisir des objets?

25 August 2010

No Clue of the Week, but...

... Mr Quiz is back!

Question of the Day - 25 August 2010

Which Persian poet wrote the Rubáiyát?

Quel poète perse écrivit le Rubáiyát?

24 August 2010

Question of the Day - 24 August 2010

What is the name of the parliamentary system consisting of two chambers?

Quel est le nom du système parlementaire comportant en deux chambres?

23 August 2010

Question of the Day - 23 August 2010

What is the name of the seven-branched candelabrum displayed in synagogues?

Quel est le nom du chandelier à sept branches vu dans les synagogues?

20 August 2010

Question of the Day - 20 August 2010

Which model of car could be bought "in any colour – so long as it's black"?

Quel modèle de voiture était disponible dans la «couleur du choix du client – pourvue qu'elle soit noire»?

19 August 2010

Question of the Day - 19 August 2010

Which singer died in his bath in Paris in 1971?

Quel chanteur est mort dans sa baignoire à Paris en 1971?

18 August 2010

No Clue of the Week, but...

... the Quiz continues during Mr Quiz's holidays. Come along tonight and meet your guest presenter!

Question of the Day - 18 August 2010

Which of Charles de Gaulle's Prime Ministers was born in 1911?

Quel premier ministre sous Charles de Gaulle est né en 1911?

17 August 2010

Question of the Day - 17 August 2010

In which city will the Olympic Games 2012 be held?

Dans quelle ville les JO 2012 auront-ils lieu?

16 August 2010

Question of the Day - 16 August 2010

What is the name of the muscle that closes the anus?

Quel est le nom du muscle qui ferme l'anus?

13 August 2010

Question of the Day - 13 August 2010

What is an addax:
a counting machine, a species of antelope, a blank page in a book?

Qu'est-ce qu'un addax:
une machine pour compter, une espèce d'antilope, page blanche dans un livre?

12 August 2010

Question of the Day - 12 August 2010

What is is a eagle in golf?

Qu'est-ce qu'un eagle en golf?

11 August 2010

No Clue of the Week, but...

... the Quiz continues during Mr Quiz's holidays. Come along tonight and meet your guest presenter!

Question of the Day - 11 August 2010

In which town in Bosnia and Herzegovina did a massacre of several thousand Muslim boys and men take place in 1995?

Dans quelle ville de Bosnie-Herzégovine le massacre de plusieurs milliers de garçons et hommes eut-il lieu en 1995?

10 August 2010

Question of the Day - 10 August 2010

Who wrote the opera Tosca?

Qui a composé l'opéra Tosca?

09 August 2010

Question of the Day - 9 August 2010

Which is the largest feline species?

Quel est la plus grosse espèce de félin?

06 August 2010

Question of the Day - 6 August 2010

What two numbers have a product of 48 and, when the larger number is divided by the smaller, a quotient of 3?

Quel deux nombres ont un produit de 48, et quand le plus grand est divisé par le plus petit, un quotient de 3?

05 August 2010

Question of the Day - 5 August 2010

Who replaced Shane MacGowan as singer with The Pogues in 1991 (before Spider Stacy)?

Qui a remplacé Shane MacGowan comme chanteur avec The Pogues in 1991 (avant Spider Stacy)?

04 August 2010

No Clue of the Week, but...

... the Quiz continues during Mr Quiz's holidays. Come along tonight and meet your guest presenter!

Question of the Day - 4 August 2010

If time is measured in seconds and distance in metres, what is the unit of acceleration?

Si le temps est mesuré en secondes et la distance en mètres quelle est l'unité d'accélération?

03 August 2010

Question of the Day - 3 August 2010

Where is Waikiki Beach?

Où se trouve Waikiki Beach?

02 August 2010

Question of the Day - 2 August 2010

What shape is farfalle pasta?

Quelle est la forme des pâtes farfalle?

30 July 2010

Question of the Day - 30 July 2010

What is the name of the pigment that gives skin its colour?

Quel est le nom du pigment qui donne la couleur à la peau?

29 July 2010

Question of the Day - 29 July 2010

Who wrote the novel The War of the Worlds?

Qui a écrit le roman La Guerre des Mondes?

28 July 2010

No Clue of the Week, but...

... the Quiz continues during Mr Quiz's holidays. Come along tonight and meet your guest presenter!

Question of the Day - 28 July 2010

Who is the president of the International Olympic Committee and what is his nationality?

Qui est président du Comité international olympique et quelle est sa nationalité?

27 July 2010

Question of the Day - 27 July 2010

In which river was Jesus of Nazareth baptised?

Dans quelle rivière Jésus fut-il baptisé?

26 July 2010

Question of the Day - 26 July 2010

What is the diameter in mm of a standard CD?

Quel est le diamètre en mm d'un CD standard?

23 July 2010

Question of the Day - 23 July 2010

Who composed the music for the film Chariots of Fire?

Qui a composé la musique pour le film Les Chariots de feu?

22 July 2010

The show goes on!

Mr Quiz is on holidays, but the Question of the Day will continue thanks to the wonders of technology. In other words I've programmed the posts for the next few weeks. Argue among yourselves for the answers as I won't be here to adjudicate.

The Quiz at the Green Linnet goes on too with two guest presenters. Be nice to them!


Question of the Day - 22 July 2010

Which car manufacturer's emblem is a prancing horse on a yellow shield?

L'emblème de quel constructeur de voiture consiste en un cheval cabré sur un écu jaune?

21 July 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 21 July 2010)

Where the iPhone is born.

Question of the Day - 21 July 2010

Galvanized metals are covered with a thin sheet of which other metal?

Un métal galvanisé est couvert d'une fine couche de quel autre métal?

20 July 2010

Question of the Day - 20 July 2010

How many faults are given in show-jumping for knocking a fence down?

Combien de point pénalités sont accordés en saut d'obstacle pour une barre tombée?

17 July 2010

Question of the Day - 17 July 2010

What is the lightest category in Olympic boxing?

Quelle est la catégorie la plus légère en boxe anglaise aux Jeux Olympiques?

16 July 2010

Question of the Day - 16 July 2010

Which international defence treaty was officially dissolved on 1 July 1991?

Quel traité international de défense fut dissous officiellement le 1er juillet 1991?

15 July 2010

Bonus Question - 15 July 2010

The traditional garden party at the Élysée Palace was cancelled this year because of the current financial crisis; the party cost €730 000 last year. How many garden parties would have to be cancelled to cover the national debt of France:
2 000; 200 000; 2 million; 20 million?

La garden party traditionnelle de l’Élysée fut annulée cette année à cause de la crise financière actuelle; elle a coûté 730 000€ l’année dernière. Combien de garden parties faudrait-il annuler pour combler la dette nationale de la France :
2 000; 200 000; 2 millions; 20 millions ?

Question of the Day - 15 July 2010

What is epistaxis?

Qu'est-ce que épistaxis?

14 July 2010

Question of the Day - 14 July 2010

Marianne is the personification of Liberty and the French Republic; one of her most famous statues is at Place de la République in Paris. There are three allegorical figures seated around her. Who are they?

Marianne est la personnification de la Liberté et de la République française; une de ses statues les plus célèbres se trouve à la Place de la République à Paris. Là elle est entourée de trois personnages allégoriques assis. Qui sont-ils?

13 July 2010

Question of the Day - 13 July 2010

According to legend, the Pied Piper lured the children away from which German town?

Selon la légende, le Joueur de Flûte a attiré les enfants de quelle ville allemande?

12 July 2010

Revolutionary Quiz - 14 July 2010

This Wednesday is 14 July, National Holiday of France, when we commemorate the Revolution of 1789. The Quiz will take place as usual at the Green Linnet. It might be a good idea to revise the history of the Revolution for the occasion.

Ce mercredi, le 14 juillet, est bien sûr la Fête Nationale où on commémore la Révolution de 1789. Le Quiz aura lieu comme d'habitude au Green Linnet. Réviser l'histoire de la Révolution n'est pas ce que vous pourriez faire de pire.

Question of the Day - 12 July 2010

What is the name of the case used for carrying arrows?

Quel est le nom de l'étui qui porte des flèches?

09 July 2010

Question of the Day - 9 July 2010

How many phalanges are there in the hand?

Combien de phalanges y a-t-il dans la main?

08 July 2010

Question of the Day - 8 July 2010

A Mutiny on which battleship was a pivotal event in the Russian Revolution of 1905?

Une mutinerie à bord de quel cuirassé fut un événement clé de la révolution russe de 1905?

07 July 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 7 July 2010)


Question of the Day - 7 July 2010

Phil Collins became lead vocalist of Genesis in 1976; who was his predecessor?

Phil Collins devint chanteur principal de Genesis en 1976; qui fut son prédécesseur?

06 July 2010

Question of the Day - 6 July 2010

Berlin is the biggest city in Germany in terms of population; which is second?

Berlin est la plus grande ville d'Allemagne en termes de population; laquelle est deuxième?

05 July 2010

Question of the Day - 5 July 2010

Who was the last Anglo-Saxon king of England and in which century did he reign?

Qui fut le dernier roi anglo-saxon de l'Angleterre et en quel siècle régna-t-il?

02 July 2010

Question of the Day - 2 July 2010

What is the difference between a Mexican tortilla and a Spanish tortilla?

Quelle est la différence entre une tortilla mexicaine et une tortilla espagnole?

01 July 2010

Bonus Question - 1 July 2010

Which country's national anthem is this?
Ceci est l'hymne national de quel pays?

ᐆ ᑲᓇᑕ!

ᓇᖕᒥᓂ ᓄᓇᕗᑦ!
ᐱᖁᔭᑏ ᓇᓚᑦᑎᐊᖅᐸᕗᑦ.
ᓇᖏᖅᐳᒍ, ᐆ ᑲᓇᑕ,
ᐆ ᑲᓇᑕ! ᓄᓇᑦᓯᐊ!
ᓇᖏᖅᐳᒍ ᒥᐊᓂᕆᑉᓗᑎ,
ᐆ ᑲᓇᑕ, ᓴᓚᒋᔭᐅᖁᓇ!

(in one of the official regional languages of the country
dans une des langues régionales officielles du pays).

Question of the Day - 1 July 2010

True or false: a butterfly has more chromosomes than a human being?

Info ou intox: un papillon possède plus de chromosomes qu'un être humain?

30 June 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 30 June 2010)

Wasp (this is not an acronym).

Question of the Day - 30 June 2010

Who is the male star of the film East of Eden?

Qui est la vedette masculine du le film À l'est d'Éden?

29 June 2010

Question of the Day - 29 June 2010

Who wrote the novel East of Eden?

Qui écrivit le roman À l'est d'Éden?

28 June 2010

Question of the Day - 28 June 2010

How heavy is the ball in men's hammer throwing:
3.25kg, 5.25kg, 7.25kg?

Quel est le poids de la boule dans le lancer du marteau pour les hommes:
3,25kg, 5,25kg, 7,25kg?

Historic! (continued)

If you'd like to compare your general knowledge with the team that got the perfect score in last week's Quiz, you'll find the questions here: http://tinyurl.com/quiz23june2010

25 June 2010

Question of the Day - 25 June 2010

Which novel by Gabriel García Márquez tells the story of the Buendía family in the village of Macondo?

Quel roman par García Márquez raconte l'histoire de la famille Buendía, dans le village de Macondo?

24 June 2010


The Quiz at the Green Linnet has been running since October 2003. We've seen many good scores in that time, but last night we saw something special: the first Perfect Score!

The team with Alexia, Julien, Laurent and Nicolas got all 24 questions right, plus the bonus.

Congratulations on a remarkable team performance!

(Mr Quiz)

Question of the Day - 24 June 2010

In German mythology what is a nixie:
a water nymph, a weapon, a suit of armour?

Dans la mythologie germanique, qu'est qu'une nixe:
une nymphe des eaux, une arme, une armure?

23 June 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 23 June 2010)


Question of the Day - 23 June 2010

Which group released an album entitled Sandinista! in 1980?

Quel groupe a sorti un album intitulé Sandinista! en 1980?

22 June 2010

Question of the Day - 22 June 2010

What kind of animal is a sika?

Quel type d'animal est un sika?

21 June 2010

Question of the Day - 21 June 2010

Who said
"To kill a man in a paroxysm of passion is understandable; but to have him killed by someone else after calm and serious meditation and on the pretext of duty honourably discharged is incomprehensible"
– the Marquis de Sade, Napoleon, François Mitterrand?

Qui dit
"Tuer un homme dans le paroxysme d'une passion, cela se comprend; le faire tuer par un autre dans le calme d'une méditation sérieuse, et sous le prétexte d'un ministère honorable, cela ne se comprend pas"
- le marquis de Sade, Napoléon, François Mitterrand?

19 June 2010

Question of the Day - 19 June 2010

Which is denser, lead or gold?

Lequel est plus dense, le plomb ou l'or?

18 June 2010

Question of the Day - 18 June 2010

In which city are the headquarters of the UN?

Dans quelle ville se trouve le siège de l'ONU?

17 June 2010

Question of the Day - 17 June 2010

What is the meaning of the textile care symbol consisting of a crossed out circle?

Quelle est la signification du symbole d'entretien des textiles qui consiste en un cercle barré?

16 June 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 16 June 2010)

Hi John!

Question of the Day - 16 June 2010

What colour is the girl's vomit in the film The Exorcist?

De quelle couleur est le vomi de la jeune fille dans le film "L'Exorciste"?

15 June 2010

Question of the Day - 15 June 2010

The modern rules of which sport were developed by the Marquess of Queensberry?

Les règles modernes de quel sport ont été développées par le Marquis de Queensberry?

14 June 2010

Question of the Day - 14 June 2010

Which city has the world's oldest metro?

Dans quelle ville se trouve le plus ancien métro du monde?

11 June 2010

Question of the Day - 11 June 2010

In which region of Italy is Valpolicella produced?

Dans quelle région d'Italie le Valpolicella est-il produit?

10 June 2010

Question of the Day - 10 June 2010

Who hosts the tea-party in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

Qui invite les gens à prendre le thé dans Alice au pays des merveilles?

09 June 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 9 June 2010)

Friend of Leo and Maxim.

Question of the Day - 9 June 2010

What was the pen-name of Rev Charles Dodgson?

Quel est le nom de plume du Rév Charles Dodgson?

08 June 2010

Question of the Day - 8 June 2010

I have €52.50 in 5-cent and 10-cent coins; the total number of coins is 740; how many of each?

J'ai 52,50 € en pièces de 5 cent et de 10 cent; le nombre total de pièces et 740; combien de chaque?

07 June 2010

Question of the Day - 7 June 2010

In Irish mythology what is Tír na nÓg :
the land of the young; the god of the sea; a dance?

Dans la mythologie irlandaise, qu'est-ce que Tír na nÓg:
le pays de la jeunesse; le dieu de la mer; une danse?

06 June 2010

Question of the Day - 6 June 2010

True or false:
a mule is the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey?

Info ou intox:
un mulet est la progéniture d'un cheval est d'une ânesse?

05 June 2010

Question of the Day - 5 June 2010

What is strange about John Cage's composition entitled 4'33"?

Pourquoi la composition de John Cage intitulée 4'33" est-elle étrange?

04 June 2010

Question of the Day - 4 June 2010

What does the word gobi mean (as in Gobi Desert)?

Quelle est la signification du mot gobi (comme le Désert de Gobi)?

03 June 2010

Question of the Day - 3 June 2010

In which country (-ies) is the Gobi Desert?

Dans quel(s) pays se trouve le Désert de Gobi?

02 June 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 2 June 2010)


Question of the Day - 2 June 2010

In May 68, what was "discovered" under the paving stones of Paris?

En mai 68, qu'a-t-on "découvert" sous les pavés de Paris?

01 June 2010

Question of the Day - 1 June 2010

What were the surnames of Bonnie and Clyde?

Quels sont les noms de famille de Bonnie et Clyde?

31 May 2010

Question of the Day - 31 May 2010

Where is the gluteus maximus muscle?

Où se trouve le muscle gluteus maximus?

28 May 2010

Question of the Day - 28 May 2010

Who was the Egyptian sun god?

Qui est le dieu égyptien du soleil?

27 May 2010

Question of the Day - 27 May 2010

Who was the only US president not elected as either president or vice-president?

Qui est le seul président des États-Unis qui n'a été élu ni président, ni vice-président?

26 May 2010

25 May 2010

Question of the Day - 25 May 2010

What did Mark Twain describe as "a good walk spoiled"?

À quoi Mark Twain faisait-il référence: "c'est une agréable promenade gâchée"?

22 May 2010

Question of the Day - 22 May 2010

The name of which edible plant from Latin for milk?

Le nom de quelle plante potagère vient du mot latin pour lait?

21 May 2010

Question of English?

Si vous ne connaissez pas encore mon blog où je réponds aux questions de grammaire et d'usage de la langue anglaise, faites un tour... et posez vos questions!

If you don't already know my blog where I answer questions on English grammar and usage, take a look... and ask your questions!

Eblana - English lesson of the day

Vous pouvez aussi le suivre sur Facebook.
You can also follow it on Facebook.


Question of the Day - 21 May 2010

A cyclist goes up a hill at 12 km/h, and comes down at 30 km/h; the round trip takes 3.5 hours; how long does each leg take?

Un cycliste monte une colline à 12 km/h, et redescend à 30 km/h; il fait l'aller-retour en 3h30; combien de temps prend chaque étape?

20 May 2010

Question of the Day - 20 May 2010

Which group performed most of the songs in the film Saturday Night Fever?

Quel groupe a joué la plupart des chansons pour le film Saturday Night Fever (vf: Fièvre du samedi soir)?

19 May 2010

Question of the Day - 19 May 2010

Which artist said "When I was a child I could draw like Raphael, but it took me a lifetime to learn to paint like a child"?

Quel artiste a dit "quand j'étais enfant je savais dessiner comme Raphaël, mais j'ai mis toute ma vie à apprendre à peindre comme un enfant"?

18 May 2010

Question of the Day - 18 May 2010

Which "Singing Fool" was born in the South of France on 18 May 1913?

Quel "Fou Chantant" est né dans le Midi le 18 mai 1913?

17 May 2010

Question of the Day - 17 May 2010

What is the term for an atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons?

Quel terme décrit un atome ou molécule dont le nombre total d'électrons n'est pas égale au nombre total de protons?

14 May 2010

Question of the Day - 14 May 2010

What is pseudocyesis: phantom pregnancy; partial poisoning; grafting of artificial skin?

Qu'est-ce que le pseudocyesis: fausse grossesse; empoisonnement partielle; greffage de peau artificielle?

13 May 2010

Question of the Day - 13 May 2010

In which city are the headquarters of the European Space Agency?

Dans quelle ville se trouve le siège de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne?

12 May 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 12 May)

Silk Road.

Question of the Day - 12 May 2010

What are the colours of the flag of Jamaica?

Quelles sont les couleurs du drapeau de Jamaïque?

11 May 2010

Question of the Day - 11 May 2010

From which country does the word boycott come?

De quel pays le mot boycott vient-il?

10 May 2010

Question of the Day - 10 May 2010

Which film actor/director's body was stolen from his grave in Switzerland in 1978?

Le corps de quel acteur et cinéaste a été volé de sa tombe en Suisse en 1978?

07 May 2010

Question of the Day - 7 May 2010

Who plays the title role in the film Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran?

Qui interprète le rôle-titre du film Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran?

06 May 2010

Question of the Day - 6 May 2010

Who preceded Gerhard Schröder as Chancellor of Germany?

Qui précéda Gerhard Schröder comme Chancelier de l'Allemagne?

05 May 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 5 May)

First appeared in Marseille in the 1930s.

Thanks, George!

Thanks to my friend George who presented the Quiz at the Green Linnet last week while I was in Dublin-sur-Mer.

Mr Quiz.

Question of the Day - 5 May 2010

What is zeitgeist?

Qu'est-ce que zeitgeist?

04 May 2010

Question of the Day - 4 May 2010

In which city was Martin Luther King assassinated?

Dans quelle ville Martin Luther King fut-il assassiné?

03 May 2010

Question of the Day - 3 May 2010

What medical condition do the following have in common:
Muhammad Ali, Salvador Dalí, Michael J Fox, Francisco Franco, Adolf Hitler, Deng Xiaoping, Pope John Paul II?

Quelle condition médicale les personnes suivantes ont-elles en commun:
Muhammad Ali, Salvador Dalí, Michael J Fox, Francisco Franco, Adolf Hitler, Deng Xiaoping, le Pape Jean Paul II?

01 May 2010

Question of the Day - 1 May 2010

True or false: mussels can produce pearls?

Info ou intox: les moules peuvent produire des perles?

30 April 2010

Question of the Day - 30 April 2010

Who was pope during World War I?

Qui était le pape pendant la 1ère Guerre Mondiale?

29 April 2010

Question of the Day - 29 April 2010

What is the average daily calorie intake for an adult man: 2200, 3300, 4400?

Quel est l'apport calorique quotidien moyen d'un homme adulte : 2200, 3300 4400?

28 April 2010

Question of the Day - 28 April 2010

Which country or territory is directly east of Jamaica?

Quel pays ou territoire se trouve à l'est de Jamaïque?

27 April 2010

Question of the Day - 27 April 2010

True or false: Ludwig van Beethoven was born before Johann Sebastian Bach died?

Info ou intox: Ludwig van Beethoven est né avant que Jean-Sébastien Bach meure?

26 April 2010

Question of the Day - 26 April 2010

What is brontophobia: fear of dinosaurs, suffocation, or thunder?

Qu'est-ce que la brontophobie: peur des dinosaures, de la suffocation, ou du tonnerre?

24 April 2010

Question of the Day - 24 April 2010

For which novel did Margaret Mitchell win the Pullitzer Prize for fiction in 1937?

Pour quel roman Margaret Mitchell a-t-elle gagné le Prix Pulitzer pour fiction en 1937?

23 April 2010

Question of the Day - 23 April 2010

Before he became a singer, what was Elvis Presley's occupation:
chef, truck driver, caddy?

Avent de devenir chanteur, quelle était la profession d'Elvis Presley:
chef de cuisine, camionneur, caddie?

Eduard Khil (Quiz 21 April)

For those who didn't get the answer to the Eduard Khil question on Wednesday night:


22 April 2010

Question of the Day - 22 April 2010

What is the name of the bone on the thumb side of the forearm?

Quel est le nom de l'os de l'avant bras du côté du pouce?

21 April 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 21 April)


Question of the Day - 21 April 2010

Raskolnikov is the hero of which book by Fyodor Dostoyevsky?

Raskolnikov est le héros de quel roman par Fedor Dostoïevski?

20 April 2010

Question of the Day - 20 April 2010

In Greek mythology, which was the only power to whom Zeus was subject:
Chronos, Moros, Eros?

Dans la mythologie grecque, quel est la seule puissance à laquelle Zeus est assujetti:
Chronos, Moros, Eros?

19 April 2010

Question of the Day - 19 April 2010

What is indicated by the atomic number of a chemical element?

Que représente le numéro atomique d'un élément chimique?

17 April 2010

Question of the Day - 17 April 2010

What does DC mean in a music score?

Quelle est la signification de DC dans une partition musicale?

16 April 2010

Question of the Day - 16 April 2010

By what name was Armand Jean du Plessis better known?

Par quel nom Armand Jean du Plessis est-il mieux connu?

15 April 2010

Question of the Day - 15 April 2010

What record does German cyclist Erik Zabel hold in the Tour de France?

Quel record du Tour de France est détenu par le cycliste allemand Erik Zabel?

14 April 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 14 April)

Do Ben and Jo know too much? Que sera, sera!

Message of the Day -- to Facebook fans

If you like to read Question of the Day on my personal Facebook wall, please note that this daily post is now only available to fans of Le Pub Quiz. So sign up today: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Le-Pub-Quiz/64426755870

Si vous aimez lire la Question of the Day sur mon wall personnel Facebook, merci de noter que ce billet quotidien sera dorénavant disponible uniquement aux fans du Pub Quiz. Devenez fan aujourd'hui: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Le-Pub-Quiz/64426755870


Question of the Day - 14 April 2010

What is the biggest species of lizard in the world?

Quelle est l'espèce de lézard la plus grande au monde?

13 April 2010

Question of the Day - 13 April 2010

If I spend half my budget on a jacket, half of what's left on a shirt, and am left with 32.94, how much did I spend?

Si je dépense la moitié de mon budget pour une veste, la moitié du reste pour une chemise, et il me reste 32,94, combien ai-je dépensé?

12 April 2010

Question of the Day - 12 April 2010

In which city is the secretariat of the European Parliament based?

Dans quelle ville le secrétariat du Parlement Européen est-il basé?

10 April 2010

Question of the Day - 10 April 2010

Which two Native American chiefs joined forces to defeat Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn?

Quels deux chefs amérindiens se sont alliés pour battre Custer à la Bataille de Little Bighorn?

09 April 2010

Question of the Day - 9 April 2010

From which language does the word assassin come?

De quelle langue le mot assassin vient-il?

08 April 2010

Question of the Day - 8 April 2010

Who wrote the music for the Star Wars series of films?

Qui a composé la musique pour la série de films La Guerre des Étoiles?

07 April 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 7 April 2010)

Usually black, sometimes green.

Question of the Day - 7 April 2010

Which country comprises 33 islands in the Persian Gulf?

Quel pays comprend 33 îles dans le Golfe Persique?

06 April 2010

Question of the Day - 6 April 2010

What meat is used in a traditional Wiener Schnitzel?

Quelle viande est utilisée dans le Wiener Schnitzel traditionnel?

05 April 2010

Question of the Day - 5 April 2010

Which group had a hit in the 80s with Relax?

Quel group a fait un tube dans les années 80 avec Relax?

04 April 2010

Question of the Day - 4 April 2010

What does sulphur smell like?

À quoi ressemble l'odeur du soufre?

03 April 2010

Question of the Day - 3 April 2010

In which part of the body is the vitreous humour?

Dans quelle partie du corps se trouve le corps vitré?

02 April 2010

Question of the Day - 2 April 2010

According to the Bible, who dreamt of a ladder that reached heaven?

Selon la Bible, qui a songé d'une échelle qui touchait au ciel?

31 March 2010

Question of the Day - 31 March 2010

I have a photo 4cm high and 6cm wide. I want to enlarge it, keeping the same proportions, so that it is 7cm high; what is the new width?

J'ai une photo qui fait 4cm de haut et 6cm de large. Je veux l'agrandir, toute en gardant les proportions, à une hauteur de 7cm; quelle est sa nouvelle largeur?

30 March 2010

Question of the Day - 30 March 2010

What herb is used to flavour the tomato sauce used in pizza?

Quelle fine herbe est utilisée pour parfumer la sauce tomate utilisée sur les pizzas?

29 March 2010

Question of the Day - 29 March 2010

Who is the star of the film GI Blues (1960)?

Qui est la vedette du film GI Blues (1960)?

28 March 2010

Question of the Day - 28 March 2010

True or false: earthworms are hermaphrodite?

Info ou intox: les vers de terre son hermaphrodites?

27 March 2010

Question of the Day - 27 March 2010

Which planet in the solar system is more than twice as big as all the others put together?

Quelle planète du système solaire est plus de deux fois plus grande que toutes les autres ensembles?

26 March 2010

Question of the Day - 26 March 2010

What is the longest river in Ireland?

Quel est le plus long fleurivière d'Irlande?

25 March 2010

Question of the Day - 25 March 2010

What was the name of the warrior nobility in pre-industrialised Japan?

Quel est le nom de la noblesse guerrière dans le Japon pré-industriel?

24 March 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 24 March)

Tíreolaíocht na hÉireann (agus beagán faoi pholaitíocht na tíre).

(Yes, this is the same clue as last week.)

Question of the Day - 24 March 2010

What is the name of the male voice between bass and tenor?

Quel est le nom de la voix masculine entre basse et ténor?

23 March 2010

Question of the Day - 23 March 2010

What does the word vostok mean?

Quelle est la signification du mot vostok?

22 March 2010

Question of the Day - 22 March 2010

Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space; what was the name of his spacecraft?

Yuri Gagarin fut le premier homme dans l'espace; quel est le nom de son vaisseau?

17 March 2010

Question of the Day - 17 March 2010

Where do leprechauns hide their treasure?

Un leprechaun où cache-t-il son trésor?

16 March 2010

Question of the Day - 16 March 2010

Who directed the film in 1963?

Qui a réalisé le film Huit et demi en 1963?

Clue of the Week (Quiz 16 March)

Tíreolaíocht na hÉireann (agus beagán faoi pholaitíocht na tíre).

15 March 2010

Reminder: Quiz on Tuesday this week -- Rappel: Quiz mardi cette semaine

The Green Linnet Quiz is moving to Tuesday this week (16 March) in order to avoid the St Patrick's Day mob on Wednesday.

Le Quiz au Green Linnet aura lieu mardi cette semaine (16 mars) afin d'éviter la foule de la St Patrick mercredi.

Question of the Day - 15 March 2010

On 22 April 1864 the US Congress passed an Act requiring a motto to be inscribed on coins; what is the motto?

Le 22 avril 1864 le Congrès des États-Unis vota pour faire apparaître une devise sur les pièces de monnaie; quelle est cette devise?

14 March 2010

Question of the Day - 14 March 2010

What is the biggest species of lizard in the world?

Quelle est l'espèce de lézard la plus grande?

13 March 2010

Question of the Day - 13 March 2010

What is the name of the film (2000) about a young boy who wants to be ballet dancer?

Quel est le titre du film (2000) qui raconte l'histoire d'un jeune garçon qui veut être danseur de ballet?

12 March 2010

Question of the Day - 12 March 2010

What is the best-known invention of Tim Berners-Lee?

Quelle est l'invention la plus connue de Tim Berners-Lee?

11 March 2010

Question of the Day - 11 March 2010

Which singer's life story is portrayed in the film Lady Sings the Blues (1972)?

La vie de quelle chanteuse américaine est représentée dans le film Lady Sings the Blues (1972)?

10 March 2010

Question of the Day - 10 March 2010

What type of pastry is used to make éclairs?

Quel type de pâte est utilisée pour faire des éclairs?

09 March 2010

Question of the Day - 9 March 2010

What type of tree bears the Latin name quercus?

Quel type d'arbre porte le nom latin quercus?

08 March 2010

Question of the Day - 8 March 2010

What is the name of the police inspector in Les Misérables?

Comment s'appelle l'inspecteur de police dans Les Misérables?

07 March 2010

Question of the Day - 7 March 2010

Which two seas are separated by the Dardanelles?

Quelles deux mers sont séparées par les Dardanelles?

06 March 2010

Question of the Day - 6 March 2010

What is the brand name of the compound polytetrafluoroethylene?

Quel est le nom commercial du composé polytétrafluoroéthylène?

05 March 2010

Question of the Day - 5 March 2010

From which lang does the word intelligentsia come?

De quelle langue le mot intelligentsia vient-il?

04 March 2010

Question of the Day - 4 March 2010

Who was Time magazine's Person of the 20th Century (died 18 April 1955)?

Qui fut le Personnage du 20e siècle selon le magazine Time (mort le 18 avril 1955)?

03 March 2010

No Quiz on St Patrick's Day - 17 March

Dear Quiz fans,

St Patrick's Day, 17 March, falls on a Wednesday this year. If things go as usual, the Green Linnet -- and every other Irish pub in the world -- will be packed with people who are more interested in testing their capacity for alcohol than exercising their grey matter.

The Green Linnet Quiz will not take place on Wednesday 17 March.

Cependant, puisque je vous aime bien, je propose de décaler exceptionnellement le Quiz afin de ne pas vous priver de votre dose hebdomadaire.

Alors, qui serait pour un Quiz le mardi 16 mars?

Clue of the Week (Quiz 3 March)

Black mountain.

Question of the Day - 3 March 2010

Who was the guitarist of the band Cream?

Qui fut le guitariste du groupe Cream?

02 March 2010

Question of the Day - 2 March 2010

Of which city was Pope Benedict XVI archbishop from 1977 to 1981?

De quelle ville le pape Benoît XVI était-il archevêque entre 1977 et 1981?

01 March 2010

Question of the Day - 1 March 2010

Which chemical element is present in all organic compounds?

Quel élément chimique est présent dans tous les composés organiques?

28 February 2010

Question of the Day - 28 February 2010

Which two European countries have monarchs with exactly the same name?

Quels deux pays d'Europe ont des monarques avec exactement le même nom?

03 February 2010

Clue of the Week (Quiz 3 Feb)

White, around 90kg.

Who wants to be a star?

Sorry it's taken so long to get Question of the Day back up -- shocking busy here! Check back later today for Question of the Day and Clue of the Week.

And if you come to the Quiz tonight, look out for some nice people from the television -- they're looking for people to take part in a pilot programme in English on French TV.

02 January 2010