31 July 2012

Question of the Day - 31 July 2012

Who played the role of Jerry Maguire in the 1996 film?

Qui interprète le rôle de Jerry Maguire dans le film de 1996?

30 July 2012

Question of the Day - 30 July 2012

In which Pacific archipelago did the US explode a hydrogen bomb in 1954?

Sur quel archipel de la Pacifique les ÉU firent-ils exploser une bombe à hydrogène en 1954?

27 July 2012

Question of the Day - 27 July 2012

Moscow became the capital of the Soviet Union in 1918; which city did it replace?

Moscou devint la capitale de l’Union Soviétique en 1918; quelle ville remplaça-t-il?

26 July 2012

Question of the Day - 26 July 2012

What organisation was founded by Robert Baden-Powell in England in 1907?

Quel organisme fut fondé par Robert Baden-Powell en Angleterre en 1907?

25 July 2012


Those who come regularly to the Quiz at the Green Linnet will know the barmen. The regular barman, Dave, is sometimes replaced by Charlie and/or Kevin, the same Charlie and Kevin who play music on a Saturday night in the same Green Linnet.  Here's a clip from an album due to be published in the autumn, featuring Charlie on vocals and acoustic guitar, and Kevin on electric guitar: http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_13934823

Clue of the Week (Quiz 25 July 2012)


Question of the Day - 25 July 2012

How should a musician play according to the instruction ff on a score?

Un musicien comment doit-il jouer pour suivre l’instruction ff sur une partition ?

24 July 2012

Question of the Day - 24 July 2012

Does a new-born baby have more or fewer bones than an adult?

Un nouveau né a-t-il plus ou moins d’os qu’un adulte ?

23 July 2012

Question of the Day - 23 July 2012

In rugby union, what number is worn by the fullback?

Dans le rugby à 15, quel numéro est porté par l’arrière?

20 July 2012

Question of the Day - 20 July 2012

In which country did the dish goulash originate?

De quel pays le plat goulache est-il originaire?

19 July 2012

Question of the Day - 19 July 2012

The names aspirin and heroin were once trademarks of which pharmaceutical company?

Les nom aspirine et héroïne étaient des noms déposés de quelle compagnie pharmaceutique?

18 July 2012

Clue of the Week (Quiz 18 July 2012)

Not made there.

Question of the Day - 18 July 2012

What is the name (in Spanish) of the decorated darts stuck into the bull’s neck during a bullfight?

Comment s’appelle (en espagnol) la flèche décorée implantée dans le cou du taureau pendant la corrida?

17 July 2012

Question of the Day - 17 July 2012

Who are the three most important gods in Hinduism, collectively called the Trimurti?

Qui sont les trois plus importants divinités de l'hindouisme, nommés collectivement la Trimurti?

16 July 2012

Question of the Day - 16 July 2012

Who painted The Girl with a Pearl Earring?

Quel a peint La Jeune Fille à la perle?

13 July 2012

Question of the Day - 13 July 2012

How many points is a Z worth in Scrabble?

Combien de points vaut un Z en Scrabble?

12 July 2012

So you think you know Paris?

Here's another blog that you might like: So you think you know Paris? It's meant for people who have already visited Paris and want to discover a bit more. Take a look! Subscribe!

Question of the Day - 12 July 2012

If Mary is the 50th best in her class and also the 50th worst, how many students are there in the class, including Mary?

Si Marie est la 50ème meilleure de sa classe et à la fois la 50ème plus mauvaise, combien d’élèves y a-t-il dans la classe, y compris Marie?

11 July 2012

Clue of the Week (Quiz 11 July 2012)


Question of the Day - 11 July 2012

What is the name of the main character in Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment? Comment s'appelle le personnage principal de Crime et Châtiment de Dostoïevsky?

10 July 2012

Question of the Day - 10 July 2012

What is the relationship between Salvador Allende and Isabel Allende?

Quel est le lien de parenté entre Salvador Allende et Isabel Allende?

09 July 2012

Question of the Day - 9 July 2012

In which century did the Black Death affect most of Europe?

En quel siècle la Peste Noire a-t-elle atteint presque toute l’Europe?

06 July 2012

Question of the Day - 6 July 2012

What is the value of pi to 5 decimal places?

Quelle est la valeur de pi à 5 places de décimal?

02 July 2012

Question of the Day - 2 July 2012

What is the maximum weight of a shuttlecock in international badminton competitions:
5.5g, 10.5g or 20.5g?

Quel est le poids maximal du volant dans une compétition internationale de badminton:
5,5g, 10,5g ou 20,5g?