20 February 2014

Question of the Day - 20 February 2014

Here's a question from last night's Quiz.  I was interrupted several times during the announcement of the question, so there was lots of confusion. As a consequence, no team got the answer.  Try it now:

I bought 31 pieces of fruit for a total of €11.00, with different varieties of fruit in separate bags; each bag of fruit cost a multiple of €0.50; I spent most on pears; the oranges cost same as the lemons; I bought one pineapple which cost half as much as all the pears; the grapefruit and the apples cost same, but I got one more grapefruit than apples; how many of each variety of fruit did I buy?

J'ai acheté 31 fruits pour un total de 11€, chaque variété dans un sachet séparé; chaque sachet a coûté un multiple de 0,50; les poires ont coûté le plus; les oranges ont coûté autant que les citrons; un seul ananas qui a coûté la moitié du total des poires; même coût pour pamplemousse et pommes mais une pamplemousse de plus que de pommes; combien de chaque fruit ai-je acheté?

18 February 2014

Question of the Day - 18 February 2014

Who plays the role of the victim in Hitchcock's film Psycho?

Qui joue le rôle de la victime dans le films Psychose de Hitchcock?

17 February 2014

Question of the Day - 17 February 2014

What colour does litmus paper turn in contact with acid?

Le papier de tournesol prend quelle couleur en contact avec une acide?

14 February 2014

Question of the Day - 14 February 2014

The remains of which saint lie in Whitefriar Street Church in Dublin, having been givent to an Irish priest as a gift from Pope Gregory XVI in 1836?

Les restes de quel saint gisent dans l'église de Whitefriar Street à Dublin, ayant été offerts à un prêtre irlandais par le pape Grégoire XVI en 1836?

13 February 2014

Question of the Day - 13 February 2014

In which state of the US is the Mount St Helens volcano?

Dans quel état des ÉU se trouve le volcan Mount St Helens?

11 February 2014

Question of the Day - 11 February

What nationality is the singer Kiri Te Kanawa?

De quelle nationalité est la chanteuse Kiri Te Kanawa?

04 February 2014

Question of the Day on Facebook

At the moment, Question of the Day is published directly on the Mr Quiz blog and then automatically republished on Twitter and on Facebook on the Mr Quiz in Paris page as well as on the personal page of Mr Quiz (aka Páraic).

From now on, the QotD will no longer be republished my personal page, so if you want to keep seeing it on FB, visit the "Mr Quiz in Paris" page and "like" it.

Aujourd'hui, la Question of the Day est publiée directement sur le blog de Mr Quiz et rediffusée de manière automatique sur Twitter et sur les pages Facebook de Mr Quiz in Paris ainsi que sur ma page personnelle.

Dorénavant, la QotD ne s'affichera plus sur ma page personnelle.   Si vous souhaitez continuez à la voir sur FB, likez la page!
