20 April 2017

Question of the week – 19 April 2017

Which candidate in the French presidential election considers that France would be better off as a member of the Bolivarian Alliance – whose members include Cuba and Venezuela, and include Russia, Iran and Syria as official observers – rather than remain a member of the European Union?

Quel candidat à l’élection présidentielle estime que la France ferait mieux d’adhérer à l’Alliance Bolivarienne – qui conte Cuba et le Venezuela parmi ses membres, et la Russie, l’Iran et la Syrie comme observateurs officiels – plutôt que de rester membre de l’Union Européenne ?


Anonymous said...

Hello Paraic,

Will you be hosting a quiz today, even with the Fete de la musique ?

Thank you !


Páraic Maguire said...

Mr Quiz will be there as usual, with a devilishly twisted set of questions ;-)