23 July 2009

Question of the day - 23 July 2009

True or false: the boiling point of water decreases as pressure increases?

Info ou intox: le point d'ébullition de l'eau baisse avec l'augmentation de pression?


Skibbereen Eagle said...

Oui, c'est vrai!

It's why you can't make a proper cup of tea on top of Mount Everest! Tea needs to infuse at 98 C or above and it boils at 97 C on top of Everest (or so I'm told, it has been some years since .......)
This is probably why so many climbers feel funny on the way down .......

Páraic Maguire said...

I'd love to give you the points for effort.

Unfortunately, your explanation doesn't fit the question!

Try again...